Saturday, April 27, 2013

Part 2

Mi Asked:

Who is your favorite physicist?
what has been your favorite question since you started this blog?
Do you have any questions yourself?
Why do people act like dogs on a little more complex scale, but dogs none-the-less??
Why aren't our WORLD LEADERS very bright.. really they aren't that smart... why?


Isaac Newton.

The gas station one.

Can you use a household vacuum in a space vacuum?

This should answer your question, virtualsalt.

Since the evolutionary process is complete on humans the next step in the evolution is.......
Reverse. (Whoa big surprise.) Our world leaders in a 100 years will be gorillas.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha cough cough (wipe away tear) No seriously now! It's because there not God fearing.


Being struck by lightning is a shocking experience!

I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday but couldn't find any.

Let’s talk about rights and lefts. You’re right, so I left.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
And not by

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Genuine Genius

Mi Asked:

Dear Tanner and not by, Are you really a genius or are you just kidding?
How many friends do you have that don't play games with you, who you genuinely like?
What is your favorite thing to do?


I am really a genius. But I am not a genius like Eugene Meltsner, Shawn Spencer or Albert Einstein, but I am smarter then Vizzini from 'princess bride' or Doc Brown from 'back to the future'.

None, I don't have any friends.


I had to cut it short because there were to many questions for one post, so I will prolong it in more post.


The world's easiest maze

Travel through this maze totaling exactly 100 points. No passage or intersection may be used more than once. Enter and exit the maze at the designated arrows.

Can you do it?
Leave a comment with your answer.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
And not by

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thirteen Original Colonies

Diana Asked:

1. Name the thirteen original colonies.
2. On what day in 1777 was the Stars and Stripes flag adopted by the Continental Congress?
3. What name on the Declaration of Independence has become a symbol of all signatures?


1. Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Hollywood.

2. June 14, just a coincidence but that is also the same date as flag day.


John Hancock

And the hollywood part is just a joke.
Posted by Tanner Peterson
And not by