Saturday, June 30, 2012

No name

Whoever left this question, I can't answer unless you leave your name.

Dear Genius,

What a relief to know that there is a wise person like you in the world. Your willingness to educate the ignorant masses is magnanimous.

I have four questions for you.
1. Why is it that you only recently graduated as a Doctor of Geniusness?
2. What is my great, great, great, great grandfather's name?
3. What color is my pet guinea pig?
4. What time did I go to bed on Friday, June 22, 2012?

Sincerely, someone

And for the rest of you who don't leave your name, I won't answer your questions either.

Thank you.

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Nobody Asked:

The adopted twins

A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption.

One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named Amal. The other goes to a family in Spain. They name him Juan.

Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Amal.

 He responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."

The hungry lion

A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat.

He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book the other was typing away on his typewriter.

The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him.

Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp.

Pun contest

There was a man who entered a local newspaper's pun contest.

He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win.

Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

Posted by Tanner Peterson


Adam Asked:

What percentage of oxygen in our atmosphere is produced by vegetation? 

How many gallons of water (approximately) can a average human consume in one day? 

Adam M.


All the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by plants.

You can drink two and a half gallons a day (approximately).

Adam, you have a grammar mistake. When you use a word that starts with a vowel, you use the article "an" not "a".

I found this a useful article.

Keep them coming, the questions, I mean.

Posted by Tanner Peterson


Anonymous Asked:

If you have 6 black socks, 4 blue socks, 8 brown socks, and 2 red socks in your sock drawer, what is the minimum number if socks that you need to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?

Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

Can you cry under water?

Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Can blind people see their dreams?

Five, Because there are four colors so grabbing four would mean you might grab one of each, So a fifth would guarantee that you grab a pair.

No because there are bugs without wings and they are not called walks.

The reason people are vegetarians is because the animals are abused and they don't want that, And animal crackers are not abused, So they can eat animal crackers.

People who are born blind have dreams and they can sometimes see them, But most blind people can only hear their dreams.

One more thing..... I would like to know who is asking me these good questions, Can I have a name?

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Monday, June 25, 2012

Feeding Fish

Taralyn Asked:

How much food are you supposed to feed pet fish? Do fish die if they eat too much? 

btw, uh..I fed your fish. I hope they survive the night.

May I suggest you post a list of fish feeding tips?

(why am I wasting time asking a genius stupid questions?)


Enough. Of course fish die if they eat to much.
They will survive the night, even if they don't get food.

Feed the fish as often as possible.
uh...... that's it.

It is good to ask questions, And besides it gives me something to write about.
keep the questions coming, But this time make them good ones, Make them sophisticated.

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Thursday, June 21, 2012

long Beautiful Hair

Tasha Asked:

Which is worst; dirty long hair or dirty short hair? Why are Bumble Bees called bumble bees and where does imagination come from?
Also, with your smart chart, is ten or one the smartest? What did you eat for dinner?
Can you find the speling mistake??? Do you like questions, or are you just being kind to the ignorant masses??
I'll shut up now.

Of course dirty long hair is worse, But long hair in general is bad, On guys. Mwhahahahaha
Because Adam called them bumble bees DUH.
And imagination comes from your brain,
And the smart chart ten is the smartest.
And for dinner, I had chicken and rice, Chicken is a brain food or is that fish?
O never mind.
I love questions.

And the spelling mistake is;
And worst is not used properly.

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Three Questions Answered

Kelle Asked:


I have three questions for you, 

Why are fish not able to survive in distilled water?
Why do eggs become hard when boiled? And..
Since clouds contain tiny water droplets, why are rainbows not permanently present? 

-Kelle :D

Kelly ;) ;) Inside joke.

Fish can't survive in fresh water because there is no salt and not enough minerals.
And the reason egg become hard, Is the hot water cooks it, Just like when you make scrambled eggs.
sthat vwas an eazy vone.
And the reason rainbows are not permanent in clouds is because rainbows come after the rain,
So because it didn't rain you are not going to see the rain.


Posted by Tanner Peterson

Change the world!

Anonymous Asked:

When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?


If  I changed anything in history everyone would have to go back and relearn it.
And if I changed history, things wouldn't be the way they are and I wouldn't have met all the people I now know.

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Frisbee man

Caleb Asked:

Should a genius drink GATORADE before playing frisbee or after 

Me or A.K.A Frisbee Man 

Have you not seen the billboards on the very long highways.
There are three kinds of GATORADE, Prime, Perform, Recover.
So to answer your question, you drink it before, During, And after.

You are not the frisbee man I'am.

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Thursday, June 14, 2012



You are an Enterpriser

Your Cognitive Strengths are Speed and Memory

As an Enterpriser, you are quick, bright, and tactical. You're good at thinking on your feet and can remember important details to help you quickly come to a decision. Enterprisers are natural leaders and can execute a plan rapidly and accurately.


What Is Yours?

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tough Tommy

Kelle Asked:

Tanner! you have a blog! Happy Day! :D

So my question for you is,[actually I have two questions]: What if Tough Tommy's goat ate up half your garden?

What if you were hiking across Africa with your little brother and you met a lion as big as a house?

The end. ;)

p.s. I like the fish!


if Tough Tommy's goat ate half MY garden I would sue Tough Tommy for a billion dollars.
Then I would have Tough Tommy's goat, forced to regurgitate, Everything he ate. 
Then I would make a salad.

But I don't have a garden, So I can't now can I?
Lots of applause, Thank you Thank you, More applause, No please stop I mean it STOP.  

And Kelle There is no such thing as a lion as big as a house, So don't be ridiculous.
Then all applause five more minutes.

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gas Stations

Anonymous Asked:

Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?

Yes they are afraid someone will clean them,
And at the Gas Station they have this thing called a popularity contest 
and the clerk to get the most people to ask for the key wins.
And they win $5.00.
that is why they lock the Gas Station Bathroom

Posted by Tanner Peterson


Taralyn Asked:

Is that all a geniOus ever dus is corect peeples speling miztakes?

As a matter of fact Taralyn
if I don't pick up all the misspelled words
then I wouldn't be a Genius.

Misspelled words:

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Fish names part 2

Taralyn Asked:

Fish names:
Tanner          Blue
Isaac             Orange
Sho               Yellow
Albert           Red
Louis            Green
Plato             Black
Aristotle        Background blue
socrates        Gray
galileo          Turquoise
Johannes      Red Orange

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Getting sick

Tasha Asked:

I think they are cat fish. Since they like the mouse.
Ok, I have a question.
When one feels sick from eating disgusting "chocolate" covered peanuts, and who then tries to wash them down with a three glasses of warm goat milk and a tomato, and who now wants to go curle-up somewhere dark to die...what should this person do to feel better?
Please answer quick! Or I XP soon.

First of all Tasha they are dog fish,
The reason they are attracted to the mouse is when the mouse appears

they think cat fish are around. And they eat cat fish.

I would regurgitate it.
now isn't that an awesome word?

Tasha asked another Question


I voted your blog as 'Bed' since that is where I should be at the moment.
Now, good night. Hopefully I'll be alive to say 'good morning'.
How whould you go about sueing a company who uses fake chocolate and stale peanuts mixed in a toxic concoction of cemicals and sugar...they should put a warning on the package, "Eat this and you'll expire before the date on this bag" or something like that.
Ok. I'm going to bed now.
Good bye.

P.P.S. Pease enjoy my creative spelling skills. I might have been excerising them unawares...

You can't vote that my blog is "bed" just because your "bed",
I asked how is my blog not you.

And the way I would go about suing a company is,
I would become a judge and hire an attorney and a fake prosecute hit man,
and then I would sue the company for all the money they have and make them go bankrupt,
And then I would retire.

misspelled words: 

Posted by Tanner


Fish names coming soon

Posted by Tanner Peterson

Monday, June 11, 2012

Answer to Question

Taralyn Asked:

I have a Q, Mr. Awesome Genius.

Why is there not a picture of you?

I think we all could benifit from seeing what a Genius is supposed to LOOK like.

A Fan

p.s. I like your fish. Do they have names? That's another one for you, Mr. Genious.

First of all Taralyn.
you do not spell genius with an o.
And you only spell benefit with one i and two e's.

And here is a picture of a genius!
actually multiple pictures.

Albert Einstein

Isaac Newton

Sho Yano


Tanner Peterson

P.S. spell check is a simple fix

 Posted by Tanner Peterson