Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Electric Slide

Lofty Asked:

In Electricity, Do electrons move from one group of atoms that have to many to a group that has to few OR is it a charge that flows thru the circuit without "physical" movement? btw... We don't' know is an acceptable if disappointing answer..:)


Electrons do move from atom to atom by jumping from one atom's orbit to another and so on.


What is the greatest worldwide use of cowhide?

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Don't Say It

Diana Asked:

Hey Tanner,

1. What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?

2. Who invented the artificial Christmas tree?

3. How did President William Henry Harrison die?

4. Who invented the game of Frisbee?

Your friend, Diana


The answers are,

1. Silence.

2. No one in particular, it was the whole German country who invented it.

3. Sepsis Pneumonia.

4. The greeks, the Disney movie Hercules does not specify one person.


What is it that after you take away the whole, there is some remaining?

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

360 Degrees

Ash Asked:

Why are there 360 degrees in a circle?

Dear Ash,

At the beginning of the invention of the wheel, they started with a triangle, then they added another corner and produced a square, then they added another corner and produced a pentagon, that went on until they produced a shape with 359 sides (Trihectapentacontakaiennea), then they put on another corner and it came out as a circle and they got the wheel, so a circle has 360 corners aka 360 degrees.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lake Michigan

Diana (With Kelle) Asked:

1, How many gallons of water are in lake Michigan?

2, Why is Navy Pier called Navy Pier?

Diana (with Kelle)

1, 12,993,182,339,658,045 quadrillion gallons of water in Lake Michigan.

2, Navy Pier was originally called Municipal Pier, When the U.S. entered World War I, the Pier housed several regiments of soldiers, Red Cross and Home Defense units as well as a barracks for recruits. Then later as a tribute to Navy personnel who served during World War I Municipal Pier was officially renamed Navy Pier.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Saturday, August 3, 2013


Mrs. Merry Asked:

Hey Tanner,
So, could you get this and let me know whatever this is?  Thank you, Mrs. M.   :)

Mrs. Merry

I can read braille, and it says women, just kidding apparently someone scratched out the W and O.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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New Languages

GEM Asked:

Hi Tanner!
Long time no see.

1. Have you ever studied any other languages? If so, how many and which ones?

2. What language would you WANT to learn if you could learn any language overnight without having to work hard.

3. If Chinese is a tonal language and some people are tone deaf, how do Chinese people that are tone deaf communicate? Do they have to use sign language or do they just learn to cope?



1. No I haven't studied other languages.

2. You didn't pose this one as a question, but I will answer it anyway,
I think I would learn English.

3. If a Chinese person is tone deaf, it really doesn't matter, because they would use context to get what they want to say across.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Saturday, July 13, 2013


Diana Asked:

Dear Tanner,

is this a weed??



It's nothing you planted, so yes.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Finale Part

Mi Asked:

Why do people 'get off' on impeding, obstructing, opressing and stifling others?
Why are there more bad people than good?
Do you believe in God?


To sum up the answer, we live in a sin filled world.

Mi, can you define "bad" and "good"?

I know I'm saying this for the third time, but it is the only answer I can come up with.  We live in sin filled world.

Yes, I believe in God and every word the bible says.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gift Card

Diana Asked:

Dear Tanner,

1. Can you buy a gift card with a gift card?


Of course you can. But why would you want too?

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Part 3

Mi Asked:

Why don't they elect a genius president?
Why do people enjoy power over kindness, enjoy watching people squirm and having "yes-men" over kindness and true friendship?
Why do people 'get off' on making others feel left out?
Why do most drivers play control games on the freeway instead of just try to get from point A to point B safely?


Because I am not old enough to become president.

Because we live in a sin filled world.

Because it's fun. Just kidding, same answer.

Because it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt, and apparently no one has gotten hurt, so they continue to play games.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Monday, May 13, 2013


 Brealey Asked:

1. Who was the first President of the 48 states?

2. Who was the first President to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.?

3. Did George Washington sign the Declaration of Independence?

4. Who was the first Vice-President to become President of the U.S.?

M.H. Brealey


1. William Howard Taft

2. Thomas Jefferson

3. He did not.

4. John Adams

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Part 2

Mi Asked:

Who is your favorite physicist?
what has been your favorite question since you started this blog?
Do you have any questions yourself?
Why do people act like dogs on a little more complex scale, but dogs none-the-less??
Why aren't our WORLD LEADERS very bright.. really they aren't that smart... why?


Isaac Newton.

The gas station one.

Can you use a household vacuum in a space vacuum?

This should answer your question, virtualsalt.

Since the evolutionary process is complete on humans the next step in the evolution is.......
Reverse. (Whoa big surprise.) Our world leaders in a 100 years will be gorillas.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha cough cough (wipe away tear) No seriously now! It's because there not God fearing.


Being struck by lightning is a shocking experience!

I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday but couldn't find any.

Let’s talk about rights and lefts. You’re right, so I left.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Genuine Genius

Mi Asked:

Dear Tanner and not by, Are you really a genius or are you just kidding?
How many friends do you have that don't play games with you, who you genuinely like?
What is your favorite thing to do?


I am really a genius. But I am not a genius like Eugene Meltsner, Shawn Spencer or Albert Einstein, but I am smarter then Vizzini from 'princess bride' or Doc Brown from 'back to the future'.

None, I don't have any friends.


I had to cut it short because there were to many questions for one post, so I will prolong it in more post.


The world's easiest maze

Travel through this maze totaling exactly 100 points. No passage or intersection may be used more than once. Enter and exit the maze at the designated arrows.

Can you do it?
Leave a comment with your answer.

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thirteen Original Colonies

Diana Asked:

1. Name the thirteen original colonies.
2. On what day in 1777 was the Stars and Stripes flag adopted by the Continental Congress?
3. What name on the Declaration of Independence has become a symbol of all signatures?


1. Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Hollywood.

2. June 14, just a coincidence but that is also the same date as flag day.


John Hancock

And the hollywood part is just a joke.
Posted by Tanner Peterson
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Periodic Table

Diana Asked:

Dear Tanner,

I am so sorry I didn't tell you the questions last week. I kind of forgot!! But now I remembered!!!
So, here they are.

1. Why is the periodic table constant?

2. Why isn't there another word for synonym.

3. Why would someone ever put a "s" in the middle of the word lisp.

4. How many piece are there in a risk game?

5. What are the many things you can say by winking?


p.s. you can't use Google unless you are undoubtedly stuck!!!


That is because I reminded you.

1. Because there are no more elements to be added, and elements just can't disappear.

2. Because there can't be a synonym for synonym.

3. Because the origin is old english and their origin is probably french.

4. 360 pieces not "piece"

5. My mom said I can't answer this one so you are going to have to google it yourself. ;-)

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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