Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Periodic Table

Diana Asked:

Dear Tanner,

I am so sorry I didn't tell you the questions last week. I kind of forgot!! But now I remembered!!!
So, here they are.

1. Why is the periodic table constant?

2. Why isn't there another word for synonym.

3. Why would someone ever put a "s" in the middle of the word lisp.

4. How many piece are there in a risk game?

5. What are the many things you can say by winking?


p.s. you can't use Google unless you are undoubtedly stuck!!!


That is because I reminded you.

1. Because there are no more elements to be added, and elements just can't disappear.

2. Because there can't be a synonym for synonym.

3. Because the origin is old english and their origin is probably french.

4. 360 pieces not "piece"

5. My mom said I can't answer this one so you are going to have to google it yourself. ;-)

Posted by Tanner Peterson
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